
Showing posts with the label google tv box

New Android TV Stick MK808 running Android 4.1

THE STORY TILL NOW:-  One had still not overcome the awesomeness of the MK802, It's sheer size was a matter of discussions in many a forums. "Look at the size of that thing, how can it be a PC". " The power of PC in your hand" were the slogans and quotes showered on the MK802, which truly was a revolutionary product. MK802 was followed up by a lot of versions - MK802 II, MK802+ and what not.  Then came the UG802 it changed the core and added one more, (Dual-core). users and bloggers reviewers massacred the MK802 vis-a-vis UG802 and UG802 Dual core Android PC ( on a dongle) was the winner in all forums. It had taken care of the heating problems which the MK802 had and also had a Dual core processor and a Quad core GPU. It meant everyone was happy about it. Well, things really happen fast in the tech-world, barely weeks into users basking the glory of the UG802, comes the new and improved "MK808" RK 3066 Android TV stick is in the market. What ...